5 Smart Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

We all know how tough it is get started with a new workout routine. It isn’t easy to throw on workout clothes and start tackling your fitness goals, except at the start of the New Year when you’ve just set them. After a while, most of us find ourselves sadly looking at the shoes and clothes we had bought new only a few months earlier and slowly but surely, our inner couch potato starts to show up.

So how do we stay motivated? Here are our top 5 tips to help keep up with a consistent routine!


Instagram / @bellsebobo @_realeboga

1. Find Visuals Of Your Goal Body Before Working Out 

To win any prize in life, you need to have your eyes on the target. When you feel that your motivation is about to wane, simply look at some images that represent what you would call your body goal. Put the photos somewhere you can see them daily. Doing this will help you to easily move beyond the lack of motivation and focus on your true fitness goal.


2. Drink A Pre-Workout 

When you eat unhealthy, processed, and high-sugar foods, your body doesn’t get the energy it needs. These foods make you feel tired, lazy, unmotivated, and grumpy. So, drinking a pre-workout can increase your physical performance and boost your energy levels. Also make sure you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables throughout the day!


Andrea Piacquadio

By Andrea Piacquadio

3. Make Your Workout Fun

Don’t do the same workout all the time. Mix it up! You can go for a run or a bike ride, join a Zumba class, or even play tennis with a partner. This is a great way to make your workout routine more fun so that you stick to it long-term. Do something that you will be able to enjoy.


4. Join Or Create A Challenge With Friends And Family

It’s a big motivator to get the support of family or friends in your fitness regimen. Another option is to join a challenge with a friend at the gym. Make sure your exercise buddy is a go-getter so you can motivate each other to get off the couch.


5. Reward Yourself After

Celebrating your achievements by giving yourself a gift (a new pair of shoes, pants, a massage, a sauna, etc.) or treating yourself to something special can be very important. Rewards can help break the routine and switch up the monotony, which is one of the main enemies of motivation. If not something special, small things such as an hour nap, time to yourself, or your favorite treat are also helpful!


Now that we’ve looked at five ways to stay motivated, you can pick the ones you like best and change them to fit your goals! Don’t be hesitant to change up what you’re doing if things start getting monotonous and you need more motivation. You’ll set yourself up for better health and more energy for everything else in your life.

Drop a comment below and let us know if you have any other tips that work to get and keep you motivated!


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