Beauty Supplements We All Should Look Into


Makeup and topical skin care are pretty much the most common ways to zhuzh up our look and improve/maintain our outer appearance . But now on the market are beauty supplements to help take care of those same exact things from the inside out. I mean, if you’re super healthy on the inside it will reflect on the outside too, right? That’s essentially the whole idea with beauty supplements — it will give us a boost of natural ingredients that our bodies might be lacking in to combat all of the issues we worry about, such as dark circles, uneven skin, dry skin, hyperpigmentation, etc. An even bigger plus to these types of products is that in addition to improving your appearance, they also improve your health overall. It’s basically a win-win! Below are the 4 supplements I’ve come across with the highest ratings: 

1. Hum Nutrition

This brand has a bunch of different supplements depending on your exact need. They have one for dark circles that also detoxes your liver, one for skin elasticity that works to boost collagen from within, one filled with vitamin c & e to give you a long lasting glow. If you check on Sephora’s website, you can see exactly what each of the supplements do, how long it will take until you results show, and you can also get people’s true thoughts of their experience with the products. I’m currently using one of their products and will give a full review after 3 months.
Link to Hum on Sephora

2. Urban Skin Rx Even Tone

These supplements are a super blend of natural ingredients that work on evening the overall tone of your skin. It works on hyperpigmentation, scars, melasma, you name it. It also helps keep your immune system healthy and promotes proper cell function. It primarily contains L-Glutathione and Vitamin C. If you don’t already know, L-glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that’s already made in our body’s cells. It decreases as we age, the more we are stressed, and the more we are exposed to toxins. I’ve found that there is a slight difference between L-glutathione and regular glutathione as the latter is less potent, although still beneficial to your health as well as your skin. I’ve tried both types of supplements from Amazon and neither compare to the one offered by Urban Skin Rx. Try it out for a month or two and come back to let me know your results!
Link to Urban RX


3. The Beauty Chef

Similarly to Hum Nutrition, The Beauty Chef offers supplement powders that you can mix with water or juice to combat different problems. Basically, these products would be good if you hate taking pills and would prefer to consume a supplement in the form of a drink. They have one that boosts collagen, one that provides hydration to support gut health and enhance radiance, and one to protect against free radicals and cellular aging. If you’ve tried any of their products, drop a comment down below to let everyone know your experience!
Link to The Beauty Chef


4. Beauty Dust by Moon Juice

Beauty Dust is also a drinkable supplement and works against the effects of stress, impurities in the skin, and collagen loss. After reading tons of reviews, it seems that this product takes a bit of time to show results although you’ll physically feel a difference much quicker. It also seems that this product covers everything in one drink — hydration, skin clarity, accelerated aging, collagen/elasticity, and protection against free radicals. I can definitely see why Beauty Dust has a rating of close to 5 stars!
Link to Beauty Dust on Sephora



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