Healing Crystals 101: All You Need to Know & Why You Need Them


Healing crystals are used as a spiritual form of therapy that works to bring balance to your mind, body, and life.

Though they’ve been used for centuries, these crystals have become extremely mainstream within the past decade. You’ll see everyone from your local grocery store cashier to an A-list celebrity either wearing some form of a crystal or raving about how it’s helped them find balance. Adele has spoken about them since 2016 and how they’ve helped with her stage fright and anxiety. Debra Messing, star of Will & Grace uses them to help maintain her inner self and as protection from negativity. Naomi Campbell always has them on hand and says they bring great energy. Patrick Swayze raved about them in 1992 stating they’re a major part of his life.



The Origin

The very first people to use these stones that we know of, were the Ancient Sumerians. The second group of people were the Ancient Egyptians. Writings that date back to 400 BC show that observations were made about the energies the crystals were believed to emit. They were then used in jewelry, to balance your energy, and for protection/health.

Where do they come from? Crystals come from mines all around the world, basically in the same environments you can find gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds, etc. They can be found underground in public mines or private family owned ones such as the Four Peaks Amethyst Mine in Arizona. You can then make a purchase either directly or from a third party seller.
Where To Buy Healing Crystals
When I was first introduced to them around 2014, I bought my first three sets from Emily’s Gems which is now Enchanted Auras. Another reputable site is HealingCrystals.com.

You can also find them on Etsy from independent sellers or near you in physical shops by typing in ‘healing crystals’ on Google or Yelp.



How They Work

My explanation is fairly simple, everything carries an energy (some more than others). I believe everything that comes out of the earth does something whether it has a good effect on the body or a bad one. I like to compare healing crystals to herbs because they both are meant to heal or alter your energy, except one is ingested and one isn’t. For example, lavender. Since lavender is a calming herb, it’s typically used to help with with relaxing, anxiety, and sleep disorders. You can use lavender in teas, as aromatherapy, in baths, as a room spray, etc. You can also find a healing crystal that does the exact same things.

The more complex, scientific explanation will include the fact that Nikola Tesla declared the concept of energy as the key to understanding the universe. He proves to modern society what ancient cultures have known all along—that certain forms of energy can alter other forms of energy. These crystals have their own specific energy that alter (and essentially heal) the energy of other bodily cells.

What crystals are not, are substitutions for doctor’s orders, a therapist, or medication, nor are they an end all, be-all solution. They’re meant to help you on your journey, whatever that may be, and bring balance to your life where possible.

Types of Healing Crystals

First I’ll share the most popular and then I’ll give you guys a few of my faves.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love. I think this is a favorite of everyone who’s into healing crystals, including myself. It has a high energy but gives off calming/soothing vibes. It opens your heart to all forms of love by removing negative energy and replacing it with love energy. It also raises your self esteem, compassion for others, and brings harmony during times of intense stress. I feel like this crystal is best worn on the body as a piece of jewelry or put somewhere in a room where a lot of interaction takes place. I usually see this crystal in its natural state or polished super smoothly.  Read more here


The amethyst stone is mainly known to be a protective crystal that reduces insomnia, nightmares, and stress. It does tons of other things as well that I would recommend looking up or reading here. Keep in mind this stone ranges in size, color, and form. It’s most popular form is the cluster (pictured below), but you can also get the polished stone or tumbled chips.


This is one of my favorite stones! Citrine been called the merchants stone because it has the ability to attract abundance as well as attracting professional success and wealth. Citrine is also good for enhancing creativity and self discipline, so this stone is good for creatives especially when going through a block. I love keeping this crystal on my makeup desk to help me come up with bomb ideas to bring to you guys. For more of the healing benefits especially the physical ones, read more here.

Be aware that a lot of places sell fake citrine by altering the color of amethyst stones. A real citrine stone is translucent with a tint of yellow, tan or brown.


Clear Quartz
This stone simply enhances and amplifies any energy so I like to combine this with another crystal. It can also help with clearing your thoughts and meditation. Like all of the crystals, it does much more but this is what I mainly know it for. If you’re interested in all of the benefits, check them out here.

Great for balancing the male and female energies and helping with dysfunctional relationships. It also helps to bring the recognition and gratitude of the blessings that already exist in one’s life. Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams.

Read more here.


Smokey Quartz
Great for soothing emotional and physical pain. Also helps to get rid of negative thoughts along with worry and doubt. Read more here.

Black Obsidian
The Black Obsidian stone is probably the most powerful crystal for protection and negative energy. It cleanses your energy of negative attachments, old patterns, negative emotions, and helps get rid of anything standing in your way of personal growth. It has a tendency to move truths to the surface to be resolved.

This crystal may not be for you if you aren’t ready for some serious growth and development. I would honestly only use this stone if you’re ready to be a tiny bit uncomfortable with any truths you may face. You can read more here.

There are probably hundreds of different types of crystals so I’ll stop there. Below are some of my favorites 🤗

Tangerine Aura
This stone promotes higher self-worth and helps remove creative blocks so you can work more freely. It also promotes drive and enthusiasm while directing energy to where it is most beneficial to stimulate, heal, and motivate. In my opinion this stone is perfect for creatives because it takes a lot of work and effort to continuously come up with different ideas and sometimes those ideas don’t always come as quickly. Sometimes you may lose motivation or you just don’t care about what you’re creating anymore to please your audience but this stone can help because it helps bring that motivation back while keeping you interested in what you’re doing.  This is my top favorite because I feel like it combines the benefits of rose quartz and citrine together.

Read more here.


Peacock Ore
A stone of the intellect. It is used to enhance clarity of thought, concentration, and focus. It enhances understanding of difficult concepts. It also brings you the ability to see and appreciate the joy available in every moment. For me, this is a favorite because I feel like I have hundreds of thoughts a minute which is exactly what this crystal works against in my opinion. It’s also super pretty. Read more here.


Dalmatian Jasper
Dalmatian Jasper helps to harmonize the emotions and assists in maintaining composure, even under the most difficult circumstances. Dalmatian Jasper is the perfect piece to use when you want to review and reflect on past actions and decisions, so if a similar situation has presented itself, you will be prepared to make a more informed choice! Read more here.




How to Use Them

First you have to cleanse them. There are various ways to do so but my personal fave is to cover each crystal with sea salt in a small container for at least 30 minutes.

After that, you have to dedicate a specific purpose to your stone by “programming” or sealing it with your intent. This step is very similar to how some will seal their prayers with the sign of the cross. Think of the crystal as an automatic daily affirmation in physical form.

To set your intention, hold your cleansed crystal in your hand a visualize exactly what you want. Make sure it’s something you feel can actually happen or something you would like to begin working on if you haven’t already. Next, state out loud what it is you’d like to gain from this. For example, buying a pyrite stone and setting your intention as “I want to win a million dollars”, isn’t going to work. It isn’t a genie that grants endless wishes. A more realistic intention would be “I want to bring new financial opportunities into my life along with the courage to follow them”. And that is how you set your intent.

You can most definitely also do daily affirmations or set intentions without the use of crystals, but if you aren’t in the right mindset or are having trouble getting yourself there, the crystals will help!



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